Heritage Search Result

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How this Viewer works

Through our partnership with Our-Artifacts.com, we are pleased to make available for your enjoyment this exciting new tool that will let you explore the contents of this site in a new way.

The records are catalogued by record type:

Artifacts: Interesting objects such as vases, medals, farm equipment, carriages and cars
Buildings: Unique local buildings, heritage or not
Businesses: The facts about businesses that have or still operate and are related to the family
Churches: The history of churches that had or have ties to the family
Documents: Historical records contained in various documents such as letters, marriage registries
Events: Significant events that have changed the course of the family
Families: Families that have important connections to this family and its members
Governments: The effects that various levels of governments have had on the family
Hobbies: Various noteworthy hobbies people engaged in
Images: Historical records contained in various photos, sketches and pictures
Institutions: The history of various institutions such as schools, hospitals and clubs that influenced or have been influenced by the family
Occupations: Various occupations family members may have engaged in
People: Significant people connected to the family and its members
Places: Noteworthy places with some special significance to the family and its members
Positions: Key positions held by family members
Transports: Various means of transport related to the family and its members
Sources: The source documents relied upon to produce an accurate representation of this family

Relationships have been established between these records. Such relationships create a rich pool of information that the system helps you traverse.

The search button on your right will find pages according to the search criteria entered. You may restrict it to certain record types by checking those that interest you. If none are checked it looks at them all.

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